An electronic version of Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7 is now available on the Amazon Kindle store. Many people might not be aware that you no longer need a Kindle to read Amazon e-books: they have reader software for many platforms including the iPhone and iPod, BlackBerry, Android, Windows, and Mac, with your reading automatically synced up across any of those devices you own. I’ve previewed this e-version of the book on a Kindle DX, and it looks very nice– tables and diagrams are all preserved, as well of course as all the original text. (One issue to note for those with accessibility concerns is that most of the tables seem to have been converted to a graphical format. The book is not too heavy on tables– a couple per chapter– but there will be some information missed out on if you’re using a screen reader.)

The book is also available electronically from Safari Books Online and in various formats.